Residency By Investment Information & FAQs

Residency by Investment programmes offer long term residency, with options for permanent residency, path to citizenship and real estate investment depending on the programme.

What is RBI?

Residency by Investment allows investors to acquire resident’s rights to live, work and study in their chosen country as long as they make a qualifying investment. Investment options vary between programmes but generally options include an investment fund and/or a real estate purchase above a minimum amount. With a successful qualifying investment, residency is granted for a set period of time, but it is usually renewable providing certain requirements are met. Some residency programmes offer citizenship eligibility after a set amount of time, although not all programmes guarantee this benefit. Some residency programmes offer visa-free travel in a defined area through agreements with surrounding countries.

Benefits of RBI:

Higher standard of living:

Countries that offer RBI have a high quality of life to offer investors and their families.


 RBI programmes can give investors residency in a stable country that is less prone to political violence and economic downturn.

Access to high quality education:

Private education in an RBI country may offer better opportunities than an investor’s home country.

High quality healthcare:

Access to both public and private high quality healthcare in an RBI country can offer more peace of mind.

Back up plan:

Having a second residency offers investors a reliable back up plan in case of needing to move from their home country.

Property Investment:

Many RBI programmes offer the opportunity to invest in real estate, including private homes, as long as they meet the minimum investment price.