Residency By Investment Information & FAQs
Residency by Investment programmes offer long term residency, with options for permanent residency, path to citizenship and real estate investment depending on the programme.

Benefits of RBI:
Higher standard of living:
Countries that offer RBI have a high quality of life to offer investors and their families.
RBI programmes can give investors residency in a stable country that is less prone to political violence and economic downturn.
Access to high quality education:
Private education in an RBI country may offer better opportunities than an investor’s home country.
High quality healthcare:
Access to both public and private high quality healthcare in an RBI country can offer more peace of mind.
Back up plan:
Having a second residency offers investors a reliable back up plan in case of needing to move from their home country.
Property Investment:
Many RBI programmes offer the opportunity to invest in real estate, including private homes, as long as they meet the minimum investment price.